How to add Shadcn UI into an existing React app in Nx Monorepo
When integrating Shadcn UI into an React app in Nx monorepo can you can stumble upon few issues. In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide to help you set it up smoothly.
I'm front-end developer with focus on semantic HTML, CSS, performance and accessibility. Author of few small open-source projects and founder of Clipio — a web clipping tool for Notion. Currently helping build React at Ataccama. Fan of great and clever design, tooling addict and neverending learner.
I write irregularry about front-end development and about my founder's journey.
When integrating Shadcn UI into an React app in Nx monorepo can you can stumble upon few issues. In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide to help you set it up smoothly.
Supabase promise an easy authentication without a hasle. Turns out there was a lot to figure out. In this article, I'll show you how I handle authentication in browser extension running in Chrome and Firefox.
Clipio is web-clipping tool for Notion. It enables you to capture, highlight, comment, and curate the web content effortlessly.
VS Code extension for easy brackets and quotes selections and modifications.